Saturday, February 23, 2008

Super Affiliate Perk : Free Stuff in the Mail

I can’t believe Google sends me this free stuff in the mail.
Forget my black card or my Rolex, once you start getting stuff like this in the mail you REALLY feel like you’ve arrived! LOL

Thursday, February 14, 2008

My New Office

In the past two months I’ve spend literally tens of thousands of dollars on my new home office. Everything was replace with really slick furniture and the latest high-tech gear.

Pictured above is my new "Affiliate Command Center". Here I can watch over my affiliate empire with just a few clicks of the mouse. Actually, I don't even have to do that because now everything is voice activated. If I wish to communicate with an affiliate manager, I just say the command. If I wish to change a Google Adwords bid, I just say the command. When I wish to discuss ideas with my business partner Andrew Rooney, ( I just say the command.

Being a Super Rich Affiliate is just the best.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

I Have a Black Card

This is the coolest credit card I’ve ever had, it’s made of pure titanium, you could stop a speeding bullet with this card.

The benefits of this card are mind blowing:

Free complimentary first class tickets to the International Space Station when you purchase a first class ticket

Free first class upgrades on The Space Shuttle, SpaceShipTwo and The New Russian Angara Launch Vechicle + free complimentary tickets for future outer solar system flights

Your own dedicated concierge and travel agent

Free Car rental and Hotel Upgrades & VIP treatment

Specially reserved seating at shows, sports games, restaurants, etc etc..

Astronomical spending limit

And it goes on and on and on…

I won’t bludgeon you with yearly membership fee or what it takes to qualify for a black card, although I can tell you spending $10,000 a day on pay-per-click advertising helps! My wife and I only fly first class now. I have like a million miles on my card.

PPC Kindergarten Bonus

Special Bonus:
I’m offering a special bonus for anyone who signs up for PPC Kindergarten through my affiliate link on this blog.

Andrew Rooney ( and I are compiling a series of interviews and videos where Andrew grills me on the ins and outs of PPC affiliate marketing.

Watch and listen as I teach Andrew on how to pick an affiliate offer and promote it through Adwords. Take notes as I tell him how to optimize his campaigns and make the affiliate offer profitable.

We leave no stone unturned.We will provide the first two recording immediately, and subsequent recordings & videos each week for the next 8 weeks via email. This is a REALTIME CASE STUDY that many of you have been asking for!

We plan to eventually sell these interviews for $9974, but you get them for free for by signing up through my link.

Here’s what you need to do: forward your receipt for PPC Kindergarten to rich @

Once I confirm that you signed up for PPC Kindergarten through my affiliate link, I will email you the bonus.

My New Personal Trainer

I love working from home but sitting by my computer for hours on end has really started to take a toll on my health. I was going to the gym a couple of times a week, but doing nothing close to a real workout.

Right then and there I decided to make a commitment in 2008 to get into shape. For the last several weeks I’ve had the pleasure of working with Domino, my new Personal Trainer.
I gotta tell ya, Domino doesn’t pull any punches, I’m nearly passed out from exhaustion after each of our workouts. But it's worth it. What good is it to have all this money if I'm not around to spend it!

Going To The Bank

I love when I go to the bank and the teller looks at me, half shaven, wearing a free T-shirt I scored at Affiliate Mountain, and flip flops, and then looks at my bank account!

Shock and Awe! Ha Ha.

My wife and I went to the bank the other day and they told us we have too damn much money in our saving accounts, and recommended that we transfer the money into Fort Knox where we could get a higher interest rate.

I told the teller that I would think about it. Honestly I DON’T CARE! In the time it takes me to actually setup a direct deposit with Fort Knox, I could start an affiliate promotion that will make me 10X whatever interest I would make off stupid Fort Knox.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

My New Bling

When my wife and I were in the jewelry store at our favorite 5 Star hotel on the Moon, an amazing watch caught my eye. It was the elusive Rolex Submariner with a green bezel decoder ring.

I had to get it, so I called Amex, (my Black Card) and told them i was going to buy a Rolex, and we went back to the hotel jewelry shop the next day and bought it! Isn't being a Super Rich Affiliate exciting!